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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

God of Big Matters
Santa: Ah! It is the month of Diwali. Oh! What a bash I am going to have! Hurrah!

Webmaster: Calm down Santaji, Diwali is still some days away and we better devote ourselves to what's current.

Santa: I am going to send 'current' into you and blow you up on Dusshera, you demon, the green-eyed monster!

Webmaster: Oh! Oh! Why this loss of temper early in the morning. Santaji, the God of Big Matters, why do you take offence at such trivial things?

Santa: Is it another bestseller from Arunadhati Roy?

Webmaster: Why Arunadhati or any-other-Roy, you are always a bestseller. Selling best, soaring charts and topping the record books.

Santa: Enough. Enough of this flattery. Let us talk sense.

Webmaster: Actually Santaji, as you are always in know of everything, I want to know what this Ludhiana City Centre talk is about.

Santa: You will never understand the nitty gritty of it, suffice to say that it is all about the ministers having a butter chicken, while the public is made to settle for Moong ki Dal.

Webmaster: But Sir, even Moong ki Daal is getting out of the reach of people. What will people eat in future?

Santa: Dust with dollops of cricket! Add to that some chutney of Bollywood and a recipe for the masses is ready.

Webmaster: Yes, with Bollywood and cricket around our people need nothing else.

Santa: Look at the way the nation comes to a grinding halt whenever India is vying with its own incompetence, for the lowly third position, in any of the ABC Triangular series matches.

Webmaster: We fare no better elsewhere. In hockey, we had to settle for the wooden spoon.

Santa: The Indian Hockey Federation, however, is doing one great job. It keeps the 'Top Cop' leashed so that he doesn't move about spanking bums.

Webmaster: Agreed even that is a favour but quite an expensive one.

Santa: No favour is expensive. You get expertise at a price. It is only me who lent his name free of cost to you.

Webmaster: What about the hundred things I have to listen from you everyday @#%$#*. You can't say you are giving your services free of cost.

Santa: You don't have a choice here buddy. There is none who is wittier than me, there is none who is more knowledgeable than me, there is none who is more dynamic than me, there is none who is…

Webmaster: More boastful than you…

Santa: Shut up. There is none more idiotic than you.

Webmaster: You are hell bent upon kicking your bread and butter.

Santa: Not till your kind self is gracious enough. Long live Santa.

Webmaster: Jai Hind.

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